Support for CHART

CHART work has been made possible with the generous support of the Government of Timor-Leste and a range of Australia organisations and individuals.

If you or your organisation would also like to assist, see our Donate section.

Government of Timor-Leste
CHART received generous grants from Timor-Leste for the years 2014-2016. These grants from the Civil Society Support section of the Prime Minister’s office contributed significantly to the costs of our overall operations. The funds were especially devoted to management and implementation of collection processing and document digitisation. In turn, CHART will transfer digital copies of CHART-processed archives to Timor-Leste’s own archival institutions.


 Many thanks to the Herb Feith Foundation for a grant of $24,400 for 2013/14. The grant was used to implement an  extensive scanning project on the Timor papers of the ACFOA Human Rights Office. Expenditures included equipment purchases and employing East Timorese students in Melbourne to do the scanning work. Further information here.

The St Columbans Mission Society has provided, on very generous terms, office space in Melbourne for CHART work since late 2011. We are most grateful for this expression of support and wish to thank the former Columban’s Directors, Fr Noel Connolly & Fr Gary Walker, the Columban Mission Centre’s CEO, Mr Michael Mooney and CMC staff for their continuing warm welcome into their premises.

See here for details of the opening of the office space on 01 December 2011.

Many thanks to Don McNaughtan, Nigel Stewart and Rick Walker, trustees of the Andrew McNaughtan Foundation, for grants of $12,000 and $5,000 in 2014 and 2015. These grants contributed to our digitisation work and further work on the audiovisual collection of the late Dr Andrew McNaughtan held at the National Film & Sound Archive in Canberra.


Grateful thanks to the Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education for providing work and storage spaces for CHART work in Sydney since late 2014.



CHART and the Victoria University Library cooperated to provide online access to a range of important Timor history materials. The first joint project is to digitise the influential British advocacy journals, Tapol and Timor Link. The digitisation is funded by the VU Library. See project outcome here.

John Barnard

In May 2012 Chart received an anonymous donation of $20,000 for its work. The donor provided the gift through a board member; the donation enabled an intensification of our collection processing work, especially covering inter-state travel costs. Our donor has since passed away and, with the assent of his family, we are pleased to now publicly thank the late John Barnard for his very generous gift.

Travel Enriched / Dianne McDonald
Many thanks to Travel Enriched for adding CHART to its social responsibility list of recipients in 2018.

Individual donors

We are very grateful to other individual donors over recent years, especially Gordon Peake, Edith Bowles, John Curtis and Kathleen Curtis for their continuing contributions. Many thanks also to Rob Wesley-Smith, Patsy Thatcher, Kim McGrath, Clinton Fernandes, Marion May, Colin Oriti and a number of anonymous others.

Sue & Joseph Wyche

Have assisted CHART by providing accommodation on several working visits to Sydney.

 Heather & Neil Barrett

In 2000 Heather and Neil Barrett donated $10,000 towards collecting Timor archival materials and assisting in Timor archival developments. At the time, Neil and Heather were owners of Video Education Australasia Pty Ltd. This donation was used to fund early stages of CHART’s development.

Mercy Sisters, Ballarat, Victoria
We are very grateful for the April 2012 decision of Communities South B and South C of the Mercy Sisters in Victoria to cover the 2012 rental costs of our office space in Melbourne.

The Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea is engaged in a range of community development actions in Timor-Leste through Mercy Works.

Valma Waddingham Estate

The late Valma Waddingham’s (1928-2005) personal legacy to CHART archivist/manager John Waddingham has assisted with travel and other day-to-day costs for several years. The value of this legacy for CHART work is incalculable.

Margaret Barlow

The late Margaret Barlow (1936-2010) bequeathed $6,000 to John Waddingham for his Timor work. The bulk of this bequest has been used to purchase computer and scanning equipment to initiate CHART’s digitisation of archival materials for access in Timor-Leste.

Andrew McNaughtan Estate

The executors of the Estate of the late Andrew McNaughtan (1953-2003), Nigel Stewart and Don McNaughtan, invited CHART to process Andrew’s extensive Timor documentary and video archive. The executors covered the travel and accomodation costs for two visits to Sydney during 2006 to complete this work.

Pat Walsh

A complete range of office furniture was provided by Pat Walsh, a CHART Board member, for use in the CHART office. Pat was also instrumental in the Columban Mission Society’s offer of office accomodation in Melbourne in 2011.

University of Melbourne Archives

A generous donation of new and second-hand archives boxes by UMA in the early years of CHART’s existence was a great help. Thanks especially to former staff members Jane Ellen and Michael Piggot for advice and encouragement at that time. CHART is currently working with UMA in a joint project to digitise the Timor papers of the late David Scott.

Anonymous Institutions

Several institutions in Melbourne, Perth Sydney and Canberra have anonymously donated new and second-hand archive boxes to assist CHART storage and management of privately-held Timor archival materials.


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