
A preliminary and changing list on the location and detailed content (if available) of Timor archival collections known to CHART.

The information is divided into several categories:

CHART Collections
These are collections processed by CHART. Some are available for research access through CHART; others are now available in public institutions.
CHART Online
A preliminary list of archives digitised by CHART for online access.
Online Archives
A selection of the increasing numbers of Timor archival materials which can be accessed directly online.
Public Collections
These collections are in public libraries and archives. Many are not specifically about Timor but contain Timor-related archival materials.
Other Collections
Important materials which fall outside the categories above.

Further information is available for some collections. Click on CHART Notes.



ACFOA Human Rights Office [See also National Library of Australia]
Gordon McIntosh [See also CHART Online]
David Scott [See also Melbourne Uni Archives]
Andrew McNaughtan Papers [See also State Library of NSW]


Gordon McIntosh Digital Archive
Solidarity/Advocacy Newsletters
Bob Hannan – 1975 Photographs. CHART Notes
Oliver Strewe – 1975 Photographs. CHART Notes
Friends of East Timor Banners & Posters [Samples only]


Timorese Resistance Archive and Museum (Timor-Leste). CHART Notes.
Timor Online. Archives of CDPM & APPTL (Portugal). CHART Notes
ETAN (US) compilations 1991-1996 [includes reg.easttimor postings]
National Security Archive (USA)
Companion to East Timor / Clinton Fernandes
NAA: Balibo documents
NAA: Australia-Indonesia Relationship – Timor records
Gough Whitlam e-Collection (Whitlam Institute)
Penny Tweedie photographs CHART Notes


Australian National University
Bill Tully / CIET (ACT)
Ken Rivett

Charles Darwin University Library
Kevin Sherlock Collection – Catalogued books, periodicals.
Kevin Sherlock Collection – Research / Manuscript Collection. [To Be Advised]

McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario)
East Timor Alert Network (Canada)

National Archives of Australia (NAA)

National Film & Sound Archive
Radio Maubere Collection  CHART Notes
Clive Scollay Post-1975 civil war footage

National Library of Australia (NLA)
Jill Jolliffe
Bill Morrison. CHART Notes
Ken Fry
Denis Freney. NLA List.
Australian Council for Overseas Aid
Heinz Arndt

University of Porto
Prof. António Barbedo de Magalhães

State Library of NSW / Mitchell Library
Andrew McNaughtan Timor Papers  CHART Notes
Mark Aarons East Timor Files
Tony Maniaty Papers (1)
Tony Maniaty Papers (2)
Tribune / Denis Freney Photographs – Timor demonstration 1974/5

University of Melbourne Archives (UMA)
David Scott
Congress for International Cooperation & Disarmament (CICD)

University of NSW / ADFA
Michael Richardson Papers

Victoria University Library
Timor-Leste Collection


Anthony Goldstone (UK) [In process] CHART Notes
CIET (South Australia) [In discussion]
East Timor Relief Association [In process]
Friends of East Timor (West Australia) [In process]
Hobart East Timor Committee [In process]
James Dunn [In process]
Jill Jolliffe Microfiche Archive [link to come]
Rob Wesley-Smith [In process]  CHART Notes
Timor Information Service (Melbourne) [In process]

8 Responses to Collections

  1. Joana Ruas says:

    Saudação a todos quantos neste blog dão o melhor de si mesmos à causa do Povo de Timor-Leste
    best regards

  2. Justiano says:

    This information is great. Provides good information that needs to read by every Timorese. Thanks for all.


  3. Hitu says:

    Cool news. Great for young timorese for reading more.


  4. Diamantino Bernardino says:

    Filmes e reportagem produzidos por Jose Ramos Horta (actual presidente) durante a epoca de 1972/1974 quando era funcionario do Centro de Informacao de Turismo de Timor Leste.

    • timorarchives says:

      Google translation:
      Movies and report produced by Jose Ramos Horta (now president) during the 1972/1974 season when he was a functionary of the Centre for Tourism Information of East Timor.

      Thank you Bernardino. Do these materials survive somewhere? Not in Timor, I think. In Portugal?

      John Waddingham

  5. Diamantino Bernardino says:

    Yes, in Portugal.

  6. Jen Hughes says:

    I would like to know is how much did ordinary people in Portugal know about Timorese culture in Portugal in 1975 when the refugees arrived? What was their reception like? Did solidarity groups form? Veronica Pereira was involved in a cultural group, I want to know who else was in it and where they are now and are their any photos or video of that for a website and hopefully a documentary. Can anyone help me?

  7. Jose da Costa says:

    Are there any record of about East Timorese workers for the Baucau Airport and the local Chiefs’ name in Baucau town known as Vila Zalazar from 1960s-1970s?

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