We currently rely on gifts/donations from individuals and organisations for our work. You too can help.
Tax Deductibility:
Gifts and donations to CHART by Australian organisations and individuals can be claimed as a tax deduction against income.
Secure donation through GiveNow website
Receipt issued immediately on payment
Account Name: CHART FUND
BSB: 033-048
Account Number: 426060
Reference: Your Name
Important: Advise us of your donation via chart[at]timorarchives.info
Make payable to CHART FUND
Post with a covering letter to:
CMC Building
69A Woodland Street
Essendon VIC 3040
Donors requiring tax deductibility must supply their name and postal address to receive an official receipt.
All donations will be receipted and publicly acknowledge unless the donor requests anonymity.
Other Donation information
CHART has received some monetary and in-kind support from individuals and organisations but we are well short of our needs to fully realise our aims.
We need funding to meet the costs of equipment and other office basics, rent, insurance, travel. Our work is achieved through a mix of volunteer labour and modest wages for key work processes.
In addition to seeking financial support through public donation, CHART will seek general and project-specific grants from relevant philanthropic bodies through their normal grant application processes.
How you can help
Please let us know if you have knowledge of particular grant schemes compatible with CHART’s mission.
We gratefully receive unsolicited donations (no matter how small) for our work. See details above.
Contact us if you would like more information on how we will use donated monies.