Timor Archives: 2018 Funding Appeal

CHART is aiming to largely complete its major objectives on Australian-held Timor archives by the end of 2019. We are appealing for funding assistance to meet that target.

Click on image to see appeal leaflet.

Since CHART’s foundation in 1999/2000, and especially since 2011/12, we have made significant progress towards implementing our formal statement of purpose.

Major achievements include arranging and describing some historically significant private collections. Some of these collections are now in public libraries; others will follow in the next twelve months. We have made digital copies of many documents for online access and/or copying to Timor-Leste institutions (with whom we continue to develop formal relationships).

CHART has processed or been consulted on these and other smaller collections.

Our 2019 finishing target is a challenging one. Our broad priorities are to locate as-yet-unseen private archival collections and to promote preservation of the most important of them. We will complete our digitising work on collections in CHART custody before facilitating deposit of the physical collections into permanent public repositories.

We aim to significantly advance our Radio Maubere project – a joint effort with Australia’s National Film & Sound Archive and Timor-Leste’s Resistance Archive & Museum – to index the content of over 200 recordings of resistance radio communications (1976-78). The digitally preserved recordings will be accessible for research and exhibition in Australia and Timor-Leste.

Our 2018 work plan provides some insight into the range of the work to come.

CHART runs on an average annual budget of $60,000, using a mix of volunteer and paid labour. Two thirds of that budget covers part-time wages for management, administration and technical staff (visiting Timorese university students doing scanning work); the remainder contributes to the cost of equipment, office rents and travel for collection assessment and processing.

Early support from Australian philanthropic organisations like the Herb Feith Foundation and the Andrew McNaughtan Foundation allowed us to accelerate our work from 2012. We are especially grateful to the Government of Timor-Leste for generous funding during 2014-16 and to the individual donors who have helped us along the way. See here for more information on our supporters.

We will be grateful for any monetary assistance you can give us – no matter how small.

Australian donors can claim their donation to CHART as a tax deduction.

You can also help by circulating our appeal to others you know would be happy to support our work.

For instructions on how to donate, see information at the bottom of our 2018 Appeal leaflet or on our main donation page.

Further information
If you require further information about CHART or our funding needs, email us at: chart[at]timorarchives.info

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